Sunday, November 23, 2014

This and That

My computer is full.  It's been such a pain and have made it hard to get to my pictures.  I got an external hard drive and I an getting things sorted out.  Here are some random pictures.  Enjoy!

There are fruit markets everywhere here.  Cheap and tasty and I love it! 

I've seen this "Give 100% to live 100%" sign quite a few places.  I like it. 

Random water fountain in front of a little shop.  So detailed and intricate, yet stuff like this is everywhere.  I feel like these kinds of things were so fascinating to me when I first got here.  Now that I've been here half a year I'm getting used to it all and I forget just how amazing it is.  I don't want to forget to enjoy this kind of stuff.

I was amused by this brand.

On the train.  See that gigantic bag?  All chilis.  I have been told that Thailand is not the place since I don't like spicy food.  Haha. I have been able to make it work just fine though.

Rice, rice, rice!  They sure do love their rice here.  

 Lotus flowers at an open market.

We were short on bikes one day so Joj took me to the train station in his little motor cart. 

Maybe this is weird, but I love when bathroom signs are different.

This little piggy went to the market...

Mart at the open market.  His family has a food stand and they sell saw-tay.  It's pork on a BBQ stick in a lemon grass marinade served with a slightly spicy peanut sauce for dipping.  

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